Our Story

Hi, my name is Lynne and I am the proud owner of CupCap, our family business.  In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, we were going stir crazy being confined to our house with teenagers. The solution… buy an RV. 

Those first few adventures were so liberating. 

After a few outings, we realized that there was a design flaw in the recliner cupholders. They weren’t wide or deep enough to hold a coffee mug or a stemmed glass. On one trip, we included our kids and their friends. While playing board games, I handed off my wine glass each time it was my turn. Our son Breyson, a High School student at the time said, “I’m going to 3D print a cap for your cup holder, so you can put your glass down, so I don't have to hold it.” Necessity is certainly the mother of invention, or a motivator for a teenager.

Since that first model, we have modified that design to produce an adjustable cap, even attaching a table top.

My husband and I are both Military Veterans and we are proud to produce all of our products in the USA.